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So far admin has created 68 blog entries.

Does banning something really work?


Does banning something really work? Recently there has been a lot of discussion regarding things banned in the US.  From books to our bodies, most have been reactions to fears that worse things will happen if we continue to have unrestricted access to these options. According to an article by Biju Dominic [...]

Does banning something really work?2023-07-18T16:15:59-04:00

Wait and See


Most of us try to correct things as we see them. Perhaps it’s picking up a piece of trash and disposing of it or writing down a to do when the idea pops into our head.  It usually satisfies our brain, and we can move on to the next thing.  But, sometimes things [...]

Wait and See2023-07-18T12:28:29-04:00

Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends


Diagnosis..traits, tendencies & trends are often misconstrued. I have gotten a lot of questions recently from people questioning if they have a mental health diagnosis.  They indicate spending time looking on social media (Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.) where people are posting tools to assess or provide personal experiences they can relate to as [...]

Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends2022-05-24T18:22:50-04:00

Creating shared meaning


Throughout this blog series, we have been reviewing the principles that make marriage work as theorized by John Gottman.  If you have accomplished the first six principles, more than likely you have a happy and stable marriage.  As a reminder, those first six principles are: Building Love Maps, Nurturing Your Fondness and Admiration, Turning Toward [...]

Creating shared meaning2024-04-18T12:29:52-04:00

Gridlock in Relationships


What happens when you and your partner have irreconcilable differences?  Does it mean the relationship is doomed?  Does it mean you can agree to disagree?  Gridlock in relationships happen when both partners are unable to understand their partner’s perspective, and instead, lock into their position while viewing their partner as more and more [...]

Gridlock in Relationships2024-04-18T12:41:10-04:00
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