Back to School Volume 1
Stress is Stressful! Let’s break it down… There are varying types of stress, but for back to school we are going to concentrate on:
Acute Stress

The most common stressor, but thankfully the least damaging health wise! These are short-term stressors that occur in our day to day life. Examples are taking a test or when you’re running late to class.
Chronic Stress

The stress that seems never ending! When homework is piled up on our desks and our to-do lists seem to be impossible to handle. This stress can have some negative side effects if not managed.
Eustress Stress

This is the stress you feel before participating in an academic match, sporting event, or even before public speaking.
Side Effects of Chronic Stress:
Not everyone experiences stress in the same way. It is important to know your signs when you are feeling overly stressed.

Stress is inevitable. The good news is that if we learn how to manage our stress and change our perception of stress, we can be prepared for when these events occur. What are some basic tips on Managing Stress? Find what works for you!

Alex Young is a Graduate Student Intern with the Mindly Group studying Mental Health Counseling. If you are interested in joining this group or want to learn more about Alex click here.