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child mental health

Getting Started With Mindfulness


Mindfulness is not obscure or exotic. It’s familiar to us because it’s what we already do. Mindfulness is not something new. We already have the capacity to be present, so no big changes to who we are. We can cultivate these innate qualities with simple practices that are scientifically demonstrated to benefit [...]

Getting Started With Mindfulness2021-07-23T18:10:46-04:00

Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick


The beginning of a new year is a time for reflection and resolution setting, right?  More than half of New Year’s resolutions fail.  Sometimes we are over achievers.  Sometimes we don’t know what change can really look like when it arrives.  Keep reading below for information on how making new year's resolutions stick [...]

Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick2021-11-23T19:10:10-05:00

50 Ways to Take a Break


50 Ways To Take A Break Have you ever been so busy and just wanted to take a break?  But have you looked at all the options and thought, "I don't want to do any of those"?  Sometimes we forget we just need to take a break and refresh [...]

50 Ways to Take a Break2025-02-07T16:35:21-05:00

Using Our Phones for Good…Mental Health


Today's advancing technology can make using your phone for good mental health a good choice.  Your phone can offer a variety of options for tackling and managing symptoms.   You can get great feedback about frequency, intensity, and impact of symptoms; which can make it easier for you and your therapist to make a [...]

Using Our Phones for Good…Mental Health2021-06-14T19:08:25-04:00

How to make the best choices


When faced with limits, we must make our choices wisely.  Choose poorly and you can be left with something that seemed necessary but does not provide you with what you need.  Weighing the benefits of immediate gratification versus long term usefulness can help make more informed decisions and ultimately more long term satisfaction. [...]

How to make the best choices2021-11-23T16:49:28-05:00
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