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child mental health

Instruction Manual for Parenting


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a instruction manual for parenting that listed all the possible ways to work with your child to ensure they grow up and have limited: behavior problems, academic difficulties, or relationship issues? Many books have been written about how to parent and probably more have been written [...]

Instruction Manual for Parenting2021-11-23T16:52:34-05:00

What Makes Counseling Work?


I often get calls from potential clients who ask what my “style” is or “method” of counseling.  They ask what “type of issues” I have experience treating in order to determine if I can help them or a family member.  While it can be reassuring to feel like a potential therapist might have [...]

What Makes Counseling Work?2021-09-21T17:05:37-04:00

How to start making changes


Sometimes things seem beyond our control and if given the opportunity to change them, we might feel like life could get a whole lot better.  The real test in determining how to start making changes is identifying if the changes are realistic and if there truly are ways to make these wishes come [...]

How to start making changes2021-07-19T20:06:24-04:00

Parenting Styles


Parenting styles have gotten a lot of attention lately about how Gen X parents are doing “too much” for their children and rendering them “helpless”.  Research indicates that today’s college graduates are returning home in greater numbers than at any point in recent history.  What is contributing to this trend? Are [...]

Parenting Styles2021-11-23T16:45:08-05:00
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