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Teenage Topics in Mental Health

Trending topics in the management of positive mental health in teens.

Back to School Volume 2


Back to School Volume 2 Self Esteem Self-Esteem is not just how we value ourselves, it also is how much we trust ourselves. Our self-esteem is based on beliefs about ourselves. If we learn not to be confident in ourselves, there can be negative consequences to our mental health.  How can a [...]

Back to School Volume 22024-04-23T17:06:06-04:00

Back to School Volume 1


Back to School Volume 1 Stress Stress is Stressful! Let’s break it down…  There are varying types of stress, but for back to school we are going to concentrate on: Acute Stress The most common stressor, but thankfully the least damaging health wise! These are short-term stressors that occur in [...]

Back to School Volume 12024-04-23T17:01:00-04:00

Wait and See


Most of us try to correct things as we see them. Perhaps it’s picking up a piece of trash and disposing of it or writing down a to do when the idea pops into our head.  It usually satisfies our brain, and we can move on to the next thing.  But, sometimes things [...]

Wait and See2023-07-18T12:28:29-04:00

Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends


Diagnosis..traits, tendencies & trends are often misconstrued. I have gotten a lot of questions recently from people questioning if they have a mental health diagnosis.  They indicate spending time looking on social media (Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.) where people are posting tools to assess or provide personal experiences they can relate to as [...]

Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends2022-05-24T18:22:50-04:00

How to focus when everything wants my attention


It can be difficult to know how to focus when many things want your attention.  Cleaning our space vs. video gaming vs. significant other vs. work; the options seem limitless.  In other words, there are likely many conflicts that arise when you select one over the other.  What if instead we look at ways [...]

How to focus when everything wants my attention2024-04-18T12:57:09-04:00
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