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Children & Mental Health

Information on creating and managing mental health in children.



We all know that a healthy diet, exercise, time in nature, and proper sleep can improve our mental health and overall well-being, but did you know that reading can also have a positive effect on mood? I’m not talking about self-help books (though those can be great too!) but novels, fantasy, graphic storytelling, [...]


Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends


Diagnosis..traits, tendencies & trends are often misconstrued. I have gotten a lot of questions recently from people questioning if they have a mental health diagnosis.  They indicate spending time looking on social media (Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.) where people are posting tools to assess or provide personal experiences they can relate to as [...]

Diagnosis..traits tendencies & trends2022-05-24T18:22:50-04:00

Expressive Arts Can Lead to Healing


Sometimes we may not have access to the right words to verbalize what we are going through. For instance, sometimes words just aren’t enough to express our emotions or process difficult situations. Therefore, we may need a way to slow down enough to talk about our feelings. Expressive arts can lead to healing [...]

Expressive Arts Can Lead to Healing2024-04-23T14:37:19-04:00

What to do over the holidays


It seems like we have all been adjusting to things this year.  From online work, school, and social encounters; it has been challenging to find ways to keep ourselves up to date and connected and it can be difficult to figure out what to do over the holidays.  This holiday season will likely [...]

What to do over the holidays2021-06-14T19:32:06-04:00

Managing Homeschool Stress


Educating our youth is a primary concern for everyone; whether you have children or will employee those individuals when they enter the work force.  Managing homeschooling stress during a pandemic is extremely tricky at best.  Making sure children learn and are safe while doing it is imperative, but so is making [...]

Managing Homeschool Stress2021-11-23T16:39:13-05:00
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