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Adult Mental Health

Trending topics in the management of positive mental health in adults.

Therapy Together During a Pandemic


Relational Therapy During a Pandemic During these unprecedented times, we’re spending more time with our families and loved ones than ever before.  This can be a great opportunity to bond and improve relationships but on the flip side, it can bring to the surface struggles in our relationships.  Relational therapy is a proven [...]

Therapy Together During a Pandemic2022-12-13T15:12:33-05:00

Are you listening to me?


Do you ever feel like you are saying the same things over and over to people?  Does it feel like they don’t understand what you are trying to say?  Do you feel like they are ignoring you when they are on their phone or doing other things while you are talking? Are you [...]

Are you listening to me?2021-11-23T16:40:12-05:00

Working From Home With Children


It’s difficult enough having a full-time job.  Parental responsibilities come on top of all that is required, and children don’t take days off.  During the recent shelter in place orders, things have gotten much more complicated.  Not only are we still expected to work full time and transition our homes into our [...]

Working From Home With Children2021-07-18T13:07:58-04:00

Navigate your Mental Health during COVID


Navigate Your Mental Health During COVID Global considerations for how to navigate your mental health during COVID has ranged from seeing this virus as an inconvenience to how it will impact an individual directly including exposure, finances, and seeing family/friends. Difficulties specific to counseling surround acceptance in meeting online versus in person. [...]

Navigate your Mental Health during COVID2021-06-14T19:29:10-04:00

Changing our focus in the new normal


As I continue to manage my personal experiences during this current pandemic situation, I realize I have been marking time by what toiletry I needed to replace.  This week feels like number 457 as toothpaste and body wash mark off another one.  I felt like I had hit a wall when I was [...]

Changing our focus in the new normal2021-11-23T19:03:09-05:00
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