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Adult Mental Health

Trending topics in the management of positive mental health in adults.

Using Our Phones for Good…Mental Health


Today's advancing technology can make using your phone for good mental health a good choice.  Your phone can offer a variety of options for tackling and managing symptoms.   You can get great feedback about frequency, intensity, and impact of symptoms; which can make it easier for you and your therapist to make a [...]

Using Our Phones for Good…Mental Health2021-06-14T19:08:25-04:00

What Do You Think I Said?


Teen communication involves more than words and is not all we communicate when we talk.  It can be frustrating to get someone to understand us; especially when we think we are being very clear.  It is important that we communicate accurately to get what we really want. LEARN MORE ABOUT COMMUNICATING [...]

What Do You Think I Said?2021-11-23T16:51:26-05:00

How to make the best choices


When faced with limits, we must make our choices wisely.  Choose poorly and you can be left with something that seemed necessary but does not provide you with what you need.  Weighing the benefits of immediate gratification versus long term usefulness can help make more informed decisions and ultimately more long term satisfaction. [...]

How to make the best choices2021-11-23T16:49:28-05:00

Communication Tips


Communication tips can be helpful in getting to get to know those around you when developing relationships.  Discovering differences can be just as informative as finding out our similarities.  You might find that something you felt was oddly unique to you will end up creating a new relationship. LEARN MORE COMMUNICATION TIPS [...]

Communication Tips2021-06-14T18:48:11-04:00

How to talk about difficult things


I often hear people say they don’t want to talk about something because they might “jinx” it and make things worse. Does simply talking about something have the power to effect change? Isn’t that what counseling is all about? Knowing how to talk about difficult things is the first step toward change. I [...]

How to talk about difficult things2021-11-23T16:46:47-05:00
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