Mindfulness Bingo is a great way to practice becoming more aware of yourself and your environment. The goal is to notice your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in a nonjudgmental way. While the concept seems simple, practicing will be necessary for real benefit.
Mindfulness Bingo is a great way to practice becoming more aware of yourself and your environment. The goal is to notice your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in a nonjudgmental way. While the concept seems simple, practicing will be necessary for real benefit.
You’ve probably heard about the benefits of mindfulness, but have you ever wondered how to get started using mindfulness? Sometimes the simplest ideas can be the best. Mindfulness is a learned tool and therefore needs to be practiced. And like everything practice makes perfect. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as playing a game. Simply print out the game board below to play mindfulness bingo to get “5 in a row”. For an extra challenge, change up the boxes to more intense mindfulness challenges. Play it with your family. Reward the winner with their choice of picking the dinner menu, movie night, etc. Play and challenge others to increase motivation to keep practicing. Before you know it, you will be mindful and more aware of yourself.