Childhood is a time of tremendous growth and change. For instance, it can be difficult to determine whether behavior is “normal” or an indication your child may have strayed from a healthy developmental path. Counseling for children focuses on issues manifesting as behavioral issues in the form of defiance, aggression, “disruptive behaviors”, or as avoidance and passivity in the form of anxiety and withdrawal. In both cases, this can be a major impediment to growth and well-being and can impact a child’s success in all environments (e.g., home, school, peer group, etc.). For example, a child exhibiting defiance often contributes to an environment prevalent with conflict; while a child experiencing anxiety might create an environment of isolation that is devoid of social support and learning opportunities. Therefore counseling for children can help to define, treat & empower change.

Signs of Mental Health Concerns in Children
Counseling & Psychotherapy the Mindly Way
Our counselors and therapists focus on finding ways to promote change within the child’s environment. Above all, we believe that given the right environment and opportunity to learn, children will do just that. It is amazing how quickly children will learn new behaviors and self-correct when their environment allows and encourages them to do so!
While we do not view parents as the “problem”, (we actually don’t think anyone is the problem…only the problem is the problem) we believe that parents undoubtedly have the greatest impact, directly and indirectly, on a child’s functioning. Similarly, we want to mobilize those forces that will produce the greatest growth and change, and in almost every case that involves a parent. In other words, counseling for children aims to empower parents at a time when they often feel powerless and help them re-establish a healthy, growth-oriented relationship with their child.
At Mindly we encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s emotional, psychological, and/or behavioral treatment. We don’t “fix” kids or problems, but rather aim to support and guide our clients and their families in developing the knowledge and skills to overcome both current and future difficulties. Therefore, we believe that we have a responsibility to focus on what “works,” and that means including parents in treatment process.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is designed to develop insight and understanding into relationship dynamics that may be contributing to dysfunction and ultimately identify and develop healthier, more adaptive means of resolving conflict within the family system. However, family therapy is an effective stand-alone treatment and can often be complementary to individual therapy, especially when working with children and adolescents.
Behavior Management
While this approach may not be best suited for all mental health concerns in children, research shows that for the most common child mental health issues (e.g., ADHD, defiance/aggression, mood dysregulation, and anxiety) the most effective treatments utilize behaviorally focused interventions that involve the active participation of parents/caregivers in the treatment process.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) is a broad category of psychotherapies proven to be an effective treatment for many mental health concerns including anxiety and depression.
Play Therapy
Play therapy utilizes play, children’s natural medium of expression, to help them share their feelings more easily through toys instead of words. For instance, though children often lack the cognitive skills to express themselves with words, they are fluent in the language of play. Play therapy allows them to express themselves in the way in which they are most comfortable.