Back to School Volume 6
What makes decisions so difficult?
Sometimes making decisions can be hard. However, are we able to increase our ability to make them? Absolutely! First, let’s learn the types of decisions we make?
→Strategic: Long-term, high-level decisions that can determine a direction or course of action and require a lot of planning.
→Tactical: These types translate strategic decisions into action, focusing on how and why work gets done.
→Operational: Daily, routine decisions that put strategic and tactical goals into practice.
Second, what stops us from making decisions? For instance, knowing what our barriers are can make it easier to tackle them. Consider:
Making the decision
Now, let’s get into how to make decisions. There is a basic 7 Step Decision Making Model:
That’s a wrap for our 6 week Back to School Group but don’t fret, the group will be returning! There will be a Back to School refresher group in early January 2024, stay tuned for dates and times.

Alex Young is a Graduate Student Intern with the Mindly Group studying Mental Health Counseling. If you are interested in joining this group or want to learn more about Alex click here.