Back to School Volume 3
Things to Do
Does your “Thing’s To Do” list seems to just keep getting longer and longer? It seems impossible to finish all of the tasks and it starts to become overwhelming. It’s not always easy, but managing your time can help with having an overwhelming to do list. Time management is about consciously managing your time effectively. So, what happens if we don’t manage our time? We miss deadlines and due dates. We forget about tasks on the list. We don’t perform at the level we know we are capable.
But we can’t talk about time management without talking about procrastination! What is procrastination and why do we do it? Procrastination is the process of delaying or postponing something. There are many reasons why we procrastinate such as we might find the task boring, we get anxious about the steps to take incompleting the task, we are not confident in our ability to do the task (see last weeks blog). Research suggests that we procrastinate as a way to avoid the negative feelings associated with the task; however, research also shows that individuals who chronically procrastinate are more likely to to have higher anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem. So, how do we start to implement some time management skills?
Click here for more tips on how to start mastering your own time.

Alex Young is a Graduate Student Intern with the Mindly Group studying Mental Health Counseling. If you are interested in joining this group or want to learn more about Alex click here.