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So far admin has created 68 blog entries.

Do You Speak My Love Language?


Every couple wants to be happy with their partner. When they initially got together they intended to make each other happy, and hoped that it would be reciprocated. Many partners feel they have sincerely tried, but have been unsuccessful, and don’t know what else to do. Some blame their partner, and others blame [...]

Do You Speak My Love Language?2021-06-14T19:16:02-04:00

Mental Health Warning Signs in Children


There are times, as parents, when we question if something is "normal" or a "phase.  It is important to have information that can help you determine if there is a cause for concern and the need to seek treatment.  The mental health warning signs in children can vary, but will often be some form [...]

Mental Health Warning Signs in Children2023-06-21T11:48:56-04:00

How Can I Help My Depressed Child?


Have you wondered "how can I help my depressed child?"  Depression is a condition that can affect a child’s ability to connect with friends and family, enjoy normal daily activities, attend and concentrate in school, and enjoy childhood. Proper diagnosis and a treatment plan with a licensed therapist is a good start; but [...]

How Can I Help My Depressed Child?2021-07-18T13:42:54-04:00

Getting Started With Mindfulness


Mindfulness is not obscure or exotic. It’s familiar to us because it’s what we already do. Mindfulness is not something new. We already have the capacity to be present, so no big changes to who we are. We can cultivate these innate qualities with simple practices that are scientifically demonstrated to benefit [...]

Getting Started With Mindfulness2021-07-23T18:10:46-04:00

My Moody Teen. What’s a Parent to Do?


Teenagers are complicated. They get moody and shift between emotions quickly and often without warning. It’s part of their biological makeup and development. As hormones are running laps around their bodies, their emotions can cause some hurdles along the way.  Below are some things you can do to help your moody teen when [...]

My Moody Teen. What’s a Parent to Do?2021-11-23T19:05:57-05:00
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